Changing your lifestyle to become more healthy and fit is very challenging. You need to have someone there to support you and luckily I do! Out of everyone helping and supporting me though, one stands out more than the rest: my best friend, Hannah. 

We originally hated each other back in elementary school. However, as time went on and we grew up we became best friends. All though we grew up, our maturity level has stayed in the past, which is why we never have a hard time finding a way to laugh. Since we became friends we have done everything together. From camping, horseback riding, and road trips, to working out, and our past addiction of tanning. She decided long before me to change into a healthier lifestyle, so this is a little easier for her than me. When I am with her and we are on our nine kilometre walks she gives me advice on what to cook, how to cook it, and how to resist junk food and it is a lot of help.
Unfortunately, Hannah cannot be monitoring me all the time, and the other day I caved to junk food! I spent nearly thirty dollars buying chips, candy, and chocolate. The addiction I have to junk food is bad and sometimes the cravings just come randomly. How to avoid it is the trick! I manage to try keep myself motivated to stay fit and healthy by viewing others with the same lifestyle. I know that eventually my metabolism will not be functioning so quickly and this is all going to catch up to me. Fear of the future is one motivator for me. Another big one for me, is the Internet!
I used to have a horrible addiction to the Internet! I would be on it from the moment I woke up until I fell asleep! Now, it is not as bad! I decided to utilize that habit against my unhealthy lifestyle. I have deleted Facebook to stop comparing myself to my "friends". On Instagram, an iPhone and android application, I have searched and found many health and fitness accounts to follow. So when I check my Instagram several times a day, I get motivation from the pictures they upload. On Pinterest, I also follow a ton of health and fitness boards. My motivation on there comes from pictures, phrases, workout routines, and recipes. Some of my favorite pictures are:
There are so many inspiring and motivational quotes and pictures on Pinterest. It is part of the reason that I will never give it up!
The final at home motivator for me is YouTube! Growing up with your mom living ten hours away I was unaware of the feminine side of things. Things such as how to do your hair or your makeup! So I have watching beauty gurus on YouTube since I was little and my skills have changed immensely. Recently, a few of the channels that I follow began uploading fitness videos and how-tos. That gave me the idea to start watching fitness videos, and subscribe to their channel. That way, whenever I check YouTube there is a new fitness tutorial video from the channels I follow which gives me the drive to want to work out! Hopefully you can manage to push yourself to be who you want to be, and find your motivation. I will let you in on a little secret though, your biggest motivator is yourself!
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